Any one who knows me knows that I am far from being a Republican, further still away from what the media calls the Right Wing of the Republican Party. I am not overly impressed with the field of candidates that the Republicans have so far fielded in the race to be the Republican Standard Barer in 2012's Presidential Election.
That said, I have watched some of the early debates (if you can call them that) and tracked the race closer than most people probably do. I'm a news junky, it is what I do, CNN running 24 hours a day here in my apartment. Waking up sometimes at three or four in the morning when a breaking story captures my attention while I lay sleeping. Coming into my apartment tonight after dinner with friends, I heard such a story, and am shocked beyond belief.
Governor Rick Perry came out of the starting gate, entered the race like
Secretariat running over the competition on his way to winning the Triple Crown. He leap frogged over Mitt Romney, and had a double digit lead before most of us even knew his name...but alas, the past few weeks have shown the news media, and America that Rick Perry is not the perfect candidate, we have all watched him stumble, his lead dwindling away as Mitt Romney (whom I would never vote for, as he is a Billionaire) retook the lead in the latest polls.
However, in a BREAKING NEWS STORY online, and on CNN, Rick Perry's TRUE COLORS have come shining through, and it is time for him to simply resign from the Presidential Race, and head back to his red neck roots, back to his beloved Texas never to be heard from again on the National Stage. What sin could be so EGREGIOUS? The name of his hunting camp that he allowed to remain there for many years, even while he held office, first as a member of his state's legislature, and then as Governor. The camp's name?
"Niggerhead" In the early years of his political career, Rick Perry began hosting fellow lawmakers, friends and supporters at his family’s secluded West Texas hunting camp, a place known by the name painted in block letters across a large, flat rock standing upright at its gated entrance.
“Niggerhead,” it read.
It is shocking to think a political figure as powerful as Governor Rick Perry has been, could be so racially insensitive about such an important symbol of America's past, and the firestorm around the is even worse to realize he not only seems to be insensitive and stupid, but more importantly to be a not so closeted bigot when you consider A) his family has owned the hunting camp for a very long time, and B) he was bringing elected officials to the camp while holding elected office who saw the rock, were offended by it, knew it would come back to haunt the Governor:
Some who had watched Perry’s political ascent recalled their reaction to the name on the rock and their worry that it could become a political liability for Perry.
“I remember the first time I went through that pasture and saw that,” said Ronnie Brooks, a retired game warden who began working in the region in 1981 and who said he guided three or four turkey shoots for Rick Perry when Perry was a state legislator between 1985 and 1990. “. . . It kind of offended me, truthfully.”
Brooks, who said he holds Perry “in the highest esteem,” said that at some point after Perry began bringing lawmakers to the camp, the rock was turned over. Brooks could not recall exactly when. He said he did not know who turned the rock over.
Another local who visited the property with Perry and the legislators in those years recalled seeing the rock with the name clearly visible.
“I thought, ‘This is going to embarrass Rick some day,’ ” said this person, who did not want to be named, fearing negative consequences from speaking on the subject.
Republican or Democrat, Left Wing or Right, there are some things that cannot be tolerated, cannot be overlooked...this is such a thing, and it is time for the National Republican Party to call Rick Perry into a private meeting at party headquarters and tell him he has to go FOR THE GOOD OF THE PARTY.