- Having a garage sale...put up a nice flier announcing it.
- Have a business card for your company or business...thumb tack up a few of your cards so people can find you.
- Have an upcoming community event...put up a nice flier announcing it.
This is a wonderful community resource that is under utilized, so I would encourage everyone to avail themselves of the opportunity it presents to get out the word as Mountaindale again prepares to host all of our friends, neighbors and seasonal visitors.
Lastly, noticed a lot of litter (used Q-Tips, cigarette butts, paper, plastic, even a beer bottle) in and around the park area surrounding the sign, and would ask all of you to take the time to pick up one or two pieces of trash and put it in the litter can each time you are there...in this way, we can keep our community both clean, and green as we present ourselves to our guests.