Today I'd

like to take my mind off all this rain by thinking about something as American as baseball, hot dogs and apple pie - a good, old fashioned Soap Box Derby. Originally, soapbox cars were built from wooden soap (or orange) crates and rollerskate wheels, and propelled by gravity so that most races are held on hills or inclined roadways. Nowadays, the cars have become extremely elaborate and creative, but are still motorless and enjoyed by children of ALL ages.
A county-wide Soap Box Derby will be held right here in Sullivan County next year, thanks to the efforts of the
Greater Liberty Chamber of Commerce and Liberty Soap Box Derby, Inc. This exciting race will take place on Sunday, May 27, 2012 as part of the Memorial Day weekend festivities in Liberty. Liberty Soap Box Derby, Inc., is part of the larger
All-American Soap Box Derby competition series, which culminates each August with a national championship in Akron, Ohio. The Liberty Soap Box Derby will feature two competitive groups - Stock division (ages 8 through 13) and Super Stock division (ages 10 through 17). The winner of each division will be invited, on an all-expense paid trip, to participate in the national championship in Akron, Ohio.

An informational meeting for interested racers and their parents has been scheduled for Thursday, September 8th, at 7PM at the Liberty Firehouse on Sprague Avenue. Sponsors/Underwriters are invited to attend as well. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact the Greater Liberty Chamber of Commerce at 845-292-9797 or 845-292-5807.
(More of Barb Schmitt's images from other Hudson Valley Soap Box Derbies)