Calling all activists, and lovers of historic places...the campaign to "Save the Pond Eddy Bridge" needs some help...specifically, they need people to sign their petition to save the bridge...the goal is 5,000 signatures, and right now they are standing at just 538 signatures....they really need to get closer to the 5,000 signature goal before their big public outreach event at the bridge on August 4th, 2012. So, from the "Save the Pond Eddy Bridge" blog, sharing this article with the link to the petition....please go sign onto the cause, and email, Facebook and Twitter your friends asking them to do the same.
You Cannot Save a Bridge With 538 Petition Signers
So, am asking everyone who has so far signed the petition, asking all
those involved in the campaign to "Save the Pond Eddy Bridge" to send
out an email to all your friends asking them to sign the petition,
asking you to put the petition link on your Facebook pages, and lets see
if we can take this campaign to the next level where it needs to be.
If the NYDOT and other principles believe their is not enough public
interest in saving the bridge, they will tear it down and put up a very
ugly replacement.