Looking for some great fun in the Month of August...try Ed's Mountaindale Inn located at 69 Main Street in the hamlet of Mountaindale. There are some great special events!
August 10th, 2012...Prime Rib Dinner Night...Ed can cook up a serious prime rib, and the last Prime Rib night saw the prime rib dinners sold out, so you might want to RSVP! (845) 434-1023
BIG MUSIC NIGHT...Friday, August 24, 2012 from 8:00 PM-Midnight the Mountaindale Inn is pleased to announce a special performance featuring the band Talking Machine!
Dianne Holzhammer and Chris Holub are Talking Machine, the culmination of years of combined musical expertise. Separately the two are accomplished musicians in their own right, yet together the duo utilize their experience, technical prowess, and style to create a pleasing, cathartic assault on the senses.
I've heard these two high energy performers live on numerous occassions, and it is ALWAYS A TREAT, so mark your calendars. Plan on a great evening, come early, order a great pizza, sandwich or other delightful menu items and stay late. NO COVER CHARGE, so bring a friend.
As always, every Wednesday in August will be OPEN MIC NIGHT with your hostesss Kelsey! There is some great talent that shows up for this event, so come enjoy some of Sullivan County's musical talent.