If it is going on in Mountaindale New York, chances are you will find it in this blog. All opinions expressed, political or otherwise are those of the blog owner or other guest authors. We believe in the First Amendment, all views and opinions are welcome...so, lets have some lively debate. Send articles and press releases to marcwoodsocialimaging@gmail.com We Serve Mountaindale, Town of Fallsburg, Sullivan County and the Greater Hudson River Valley
Monday, August 13, 2012
Ryan Romney Plan For America...TInkle Down Economics

So, if you find yourself in the 99 percent instead of in the one percent, ask yourselves....are you willing to be pissed on by the likes of Mitt Romney, the man who earns $36,000 a day? Are you willing to be pissed on by the likes of Paul Ryan, the man who wants to raise your taxes while those earning over $2.5 million a year (Mitt Romney) receive a $250,000 additional tax reduction as the so called JOB CREATORS...can any one say Bain Capital?
Sure here in Sullivan County we have a few folks (Gerry) who are UBER RICH, and there are probably a bit larger number of folks who could be considered seriously wealthy, but for most of us, we fall into the categories of either middle or lower class, and like it or not, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney's plan for America has painted a target squarely on our foreheads. When you go into that voting booth in November to choose are next presidents, ask yourselves, "Can I afford to be pissed on by these two men for the next four years?"
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Ryan Romney Plan For America...TInkle Down Economics
Editor-Blog Activist
election 2012|Mitt Romney uber rich asswipe|Paul Ryans tinkle down economics|politics|Ryan and Romney want to piss on lower and middle class Americans|