If it is going on in Mountaindale New York, chances are you will find it in this blog. All opinions expressed, political or otherwise are those of the blog owner or other guest authors. We believe in the First Amendment, all views and opinions are welcome...so, lets have some lively debate. Send articles and press releases to marcwoodsocialimaging@gmail.com We Serve Mountaindale, Town of Fallsburg, Sullivan County and the Greater Hudson River Valley
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The 411 On Calling 911...Free Informational Meeting at Mountaindale Fire House
When: Sunday, August 12, 2012
Where: Mountaindale Fire House
Main Street in Mountaindale
Time: 1:00 PM
You can learn:
How to avoid having to call an ambulance.
How to know when you absolutely MUST call 911.
What to do while you're waiting for EMS.
Who we are and what we do once we arrive.
Free Refreshments, Free Sugar and Blood Pressure Screening
For More Information:
(845) 434-3425
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
The 411 On Calling 911...Free Informational Meeting at Mountaindale Fire House
Editor-Blog Activist
411|911|Mountaindale|Mountaindale Fire Department|Mountaindale First Aid Squad|Sullivan county|