I'd like to share this fabulous photo by Edward Frampton to remind us all that Bluebirds are back in Mountaindale. If you haven't already cleaned out your birdhouse from last year, the iridescent blue couples are "apartment hunting" for their nest sites for this year. Old nests should be removed, and the boxes should be cleaned of any debris left by insects or wintering rodents. If you have more than one birdhouse, you may be lucky enough to get some other kinds of cavity nesting birds as well, like Tree Swallows, Wrens, and Chickadees. It is such a great joy to watch their progress throughout the Spring & Summer. We have quite a few boxes in Mountaindale, especially behind the Mountaindale School, in the Sandburg Creek RiverWalk Park. Most were purchased as kits from the late Herman Bressler and assembled as projects by area youth.
Mr. Bressler is also known as Mr Bluebird due to his tireless efforts to create more bluebird habitat. During his life, he donated over 20,000 bluebird houses to the New York State Bluebird Society, who now presents an annual award in his honor. Ken & I got to know Herman through the Sullivan Audubon Society, and watched him refine his kit design over the years. He always wanted the boxes to be safer from predators for the fledglings, and easier for people to maintain.
Please feel free to contact me with any Birdhouse questions you may have and stay tuned for the start of the Mountaindale Hummingbird Trail in just a few weeks. This has become a very significant "Labor of Love" by Ken Schmitt and everyone especially enjoyed the amazing Hummingbird ballet last year.