Love an intellegent conversation RT @FracktoidNews: @bacco1 I would tell Senator John Cornyn (R) TX to kiss my hillbilly white arse. I got his SMART SCIENCE RIGHT HERE. #GASLAND
If it is going on in Mountaindale New York, chances are you will find it in this blog. All opinions expressed, political or otherwise are those of the blog owner or other guest authors. We believe in the First Amendment, all views and opinions are, lets have some lively debate. Send articles and press releases to We Serve Mountaindale, Town of Fallsburg, Sullivan County and the Greater Hudson River Valley
Friday, April 29, 2011
I accept Senator Cornyn's CHALLENGE to Enter Into Intelligent Discourse on Subject of FRACKING

Natural Gas Flowback-A MUST READ REPORT for All Anti Fracking FOLKS
This is a very well written article about a study/report put together by Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project on the various problems and health issues caused by the natural gas industry in extracting gas from the Barnett Shale Play. I would strongly encourage every activist with a blog or a website to link to the report:
Natural Gas FLOWBACK...this is a MUST READ REPORT for all those opposed to need to sign into Facebook to download the PDF.

Guest Article...Call To Ban Natural Gas Drilling Heard Around The World, But Not Heeded
Call To Ban Natural Gas Drilling Heard Around The World, But Not Heeded
From the Permian Basin (western Texas and the southeastern part of New Mexico) to the Paris Basin, from Pennsylvania to Poland it is clear that in the next 20 years the global natural gas industry will not only be far bigger and more valuable than it is in 2011, but it will also be much more diversified.
Communities around the world will be faced with costs for baseline-testing of water pollutants, emergency response, health department monitoring of complaints, property tax assessment changes, building and repairing roads, and waste water treatment facilities.
Samples of flowback fluids in Pennsylvania and West Virginia have shown concentrations of cancer-causing chemicals that weren’t included in the list of Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) hydraulic fracturing chemicals, and that in some instances the concentration of a single one of these carcinogenic chemicals exceeded 0.5% of the fluid – which is the purported total concentration of all chemicals in fracking fluid.
Studies reveal that components of natural gas affected the reproductive health of women working in gas processing plants in Russia.
The US National Energy Policy (NEP) adopted by President George W. Bush on May 17, 2001, led by former Halliburton CEO Vice President Dick Cheney, warned that the US was becoming ever more dependent on imported energy, thereby endangering national security. It called for increased reliance on domestic energy sources, especially oil and natural gas.
“A primary goal of the National Energy Policy is to add supply from diverse sources,” the document declared. “This means domestic oil, gas, and coal.”
Despite the obvious hazards and dangers, as well as inadequate safety practices, the Obama Administration backed corporate strategies strongly favoring the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico and other environmentally sensitive areas.
Nicolas Sarkozy, The Prime Minister of France, ordered a national ban on shale oil and gas drilling until June -- when two separate government reports will be released.
The government of Quebec halted all shale gas drilling until it can conduct its own in-depth analysis.
The Polish government, on the other hand, is ignoring the environmental impacts of gas drilling. Shale gas is now an issue of national foreign policy adopted by foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski.
In the UK, Cuadrilla Resources has completed a test well in the Bowland Shale formation between Pendle Hill and Blackpool, in Lancashire. The company is backed by Riverstone Holdings, a private equity firm that former BP executive, Lord Browne, is a partner and managing director.
Companies are leasing land across Europe for gas exploration. Engineers and geologists from Italy and Norway have been to Texas, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania to learn how to extract gas from shale, and oil executives are now in Asia and North Africa mapping out gas fields.
The global call from citizens to preserve what is left of our clean water and clean air is being drowned out by the drilling for natural gas.

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Severely INJURED Workers Suing Chesapeake Energy
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More Than Just an Eye Sore...LAND RAPER |
By Scott Beveridge, Staff writer
April 28, 2011

Some Event Reminders, and Mini Grant Opportunity.
The sun is shining outside as evening makes its way into our lives, the week is waning, and wanted to bring a couple of reminders and a opportunity to the attention of our residents and business owners.
Events:1. Saturday, we will have our first community clean up/maintenance day here in Mountaindale from 2-5 PM (April 30th)
2. Don't forget starting this coming Tuesday May 1st Aerobic Cadio Belly Dancing is coming to town from 6:30-7:45 PM on a weekly basis.
Small Business/Entity Mini Grants From Sullivan Renaissance
For the moment anyway, the rain has stopped & the sun is shining, the grass is green & verdant and I can see brilliant yellow daffodils from my office windows. This makes me think about how beautiful our Main Streets will look in a few weeks when we put the flower planters out. However, what if we were to work together to kick things up a notch? Sherwood pointed out to me that Sullivan Renaissance is offering $200 Mini Grants that can be used for a business' storefront beautification. I am attaching a copy of the description & application to see if we might work in a coordinated effort to garner a few of these so that we have a very dynamic display this year. For example, what if some of the funding went toward lush hanging baskets in front of all the businesses that could be started from seeds in the greenhouse? Plz let me know if you would consider this initiative for us to work on cooperatively & then Sherwood & I will help us to submit for a few grants and we'll see what kind of an impact we might make w/ a collaborative effort over the next several months.
Thank you all!

A Fracktoid FACTOID on Corbett's Pennsylvania

Why Tom Corvett's Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission's IS A SHAME
presence on the Commission adds extremely valuable expertise, knowledge and talent to the panel. Knowledge of what? How to skirt and/or break the laws meant to protect human health and the environment? How to see that the rules meant to regulate themselves are written in a way that FAVORS THEMSELVES? How to see that the recommendations, and resulting rules are written in a way that they can just write out a check as a cost of doing business every time they destroy a water supply, or despoil the land?

Protesters Interupt Commission Meeting in Harriburg
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Fracking Well Pad Daily Occurance? |

Monday, April 25, 2011
Sullivan Renaissance Press Release...WOW FACTOR Workshop

Working Smarter to Create Gardens with the "WOW FACTOR"
[FERNDALE] – Want more color and variety in your garden, but not sure what to plant where? Horticulturalist Vivian Multari-Ginsberg will discuss plant choices and flower combinations to help achieve beautiful, sustainable gardens with the “wow factor.”
Want to work smarter this year? Gardening expert Mary Lewis will demonstrate cool tools and explain time tested tricks to make gardening time more fun.
Sullivan Renaissance is holding its spring gardening seminar entitled “The Real Dirt on Smart Gardening” on Wednesday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the CVI Center in Ferndale.
Bring your enthusiasm and questions! There will be time to answer specific questions.
Sullivan Renaissance is a beautification and community development program principally funded by the Gerry Foundation. Sponsors include Bold Gold Media Group/Thunder 102, Sullivan County Democrat, The River Reporter and WSUL/WVOS.

Some Don't MISS Events/Classes Weekend of April 29th at My Radiant Yoga With Janet
Friday, April 29
Relax and Recharge with Restorative Yoga
5:30-7 pm
Great for many in reducing the occurance of migraines, lowering blood pressure, and releasing
tension in neck, shoulders, and lower back...A treat on the radiant-heat floors.
Saturday, April 30 Tone and Strengthen
8:45-10 am
Free for Newcomers!
Composting Made Easy-A must attend workshop for ALL GARDENERS!
10-10:45 am

Learn Full-proof Composting in the yoga-studio garden $5 donation benefits Community Gardening Projects.
Manure for your garden and non-resin wood start your compost pile...will be available to take home (by donation to benefit neighborhood gardening projects)Bring buckets or bags.
For non-composters:
Your non-fatty vegetarian kitchenscraps welcome in our yoga-studio garden pile.
Community Cleanup in Mountaindale
2-5 pm
Help Create Beauty where it's Really Needed: Weed, Prune, Divide Plants, and Mulch Together
in Our Community Effort in Back of the Former High School Learn Gardening tips from My Secret Gardener (that's me!)
Enjoy a special, radically relaxing floor-yoga class after
FREE to all Volunteers!
Sunday, May 1
Celebrate May Day in Mountaindale!
8:30-10 am
Yoga for Gardeners Create strength AND ease in hips and lower back with Anusara Principles of Alignment Intermediate Level.
Plant and Seed Exchange
10:15-11 am
Bring seeds and/or clumps of perennials and herbs to share. Take home what you can use.
Yoga Therapeutics for Gardeners
(Create ease in the hips and lower back with Anusara Yoga Universal Principles of Alignement)

Rainy Monday Mountaindale Announcement of Clean Up/Maintenance Days
First Up-Mountaindale Maintenance Day
Saturday April 30, 2011
2-5 up in front of 60 Main Street.
The purpose of this event is two fold in purpose, and gives volunteers OF ALL AGES a chance to lend their hands to the task of keeping Mountaindale the beautiful little hamlet that it is. As said, the purpose of this Mountaindale Work Day is two fold.
1. We will be picking up the town (litter, branches and the like) and doing some spring maintenance work on past projects. Raking, turning the soil, trimming off die back on some of our perennials as they get ready to start their spring growth.
2. Sharing plans for this years Renaissance Project, and doing some Pre-Project clean up in the area (Entry to Rails to Trails Corridor) where this years project is to be installed.
We hope you can plan to attend this Work Day, and if you or your organization would like to schedule a Volunteer Day here in Mountaindale, please contact Barb at (845)434-4747 or Sherwood (Committee Chair of this year's Renaissance Project) at (845)693-4513.
We also would like to remind everyone that the "Fallsburg 2011 Spring Clean Up" weekend is scheduled for May 20-22, 2011. This is a PERFECT TIME to clean up those hard to get rid of items, and see that they are disposed of properly so we keep our pristine community looking beautiful.
2011 Spring Clean Up
Dates: May 20th-22 Hours 9:00AM-5:00PM
Will be held ONLY at the
*South Fallsburg Sewer Plant
1 Pickup Truck Load PER HOUSEHOLD
All material must be separated.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Old Fracking News WORTH A SECOND LOOK...Pay ATTENTION New York...Natural Gas Industry ADMITS TO RUINING DRINKING WATER in Pittsburgh...PARTLY
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KDKA-photocredit |
Mount Pleasant Township Making Life Difficult On Range Resources
Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale Plan Under Scrutiny
Pitt Researchers Test Waste Water From Marcellus Shale Drilling
More Marcellus Shale News

Fracking Video...Easy To Understand...Please Watch

The (un)Natural Gas Lie...Ours Is a SAFE Industry, Our Gas Clean, and Green
- ►
Explosion, Fire At Marcellus Shale Gas Well Site Under ...
Feb 23, 2011 ... Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Well Fire Injures 3 In Washington County ... Resident Says Natural Gas Well Fire 'Sounded Like A Bomb Went Off' ... › Pittsburgh News - Cached Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS: Natural gas well fire may ...
Apr 7, 2011 ... Natural gas well fire may burn for 16 days or longer ... AUSTIN – Authorities now say a natural gas drilling rig fire that started April 1 ... - Cached- Apr 16, 2011 ... A FIRE AT A NATURAL GAS WELL NEAR SHREVEPORT, Louisiana, Friday afternoon caught a tanker truck on fire. It then spread to several others ... - CachedFirefighters battle fire near natural gas well |
Dec 12, 2010 ... BYERS - Crews are still trying to contain a fire near a natural gas well that started Sunday morning in the Latigo Storage Field. ... - CachedNatural-gas well fire in Auburn Township under DEP probe ...
Jul 15, 2010 ... The state Department of Environmental Protection is investigating a fire at a natural-gas well pad in northeastern Pennsylvania. - CachedGas well fire at Procter & Gamble extinguished; no injuries ...
Nov 2, 2010 ... A fire at a natural gas well on the Procter & Gamble plant site near Mehoopany brought several firefighters and other emergency personnel to ... - Cached - Similar2 killed in gas well explosion in western Pa. - US news - Life ...
Jul 23, 2010 ... PITTSBURGH — A natural gas well where welders were believed to be working exploded Friday, killing two people and sparking a fire that ... - Cached - SimilarNatural-Gas Well Fire Continues to Burn in WV
Sep 24, 2010 ... Until Chesapeake Appalachia can figure out how to choke off the flow of natural gas, a well fire in the Northern Panhandle will continue to ... - CachedMore on the 3/19 Lebanon well fire | weblog
Mar 20, 2009 ... Another example of gas company drilling PR damage control. Read between the lines: Gas well explodes in nearby Lebanon Tyler Murphy, ... - CachedGas well burns out of control in northeastern B.C. - British ...
Nov 12, 2008 ... A ConocoPhillips natural gas well caught fire in northeastern B.C. on Tuesday. (ConocoPhillips Canada). A ConocoPhillips Canada gas well is ...

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Fracking...Why I Have Joined The Fight
As a very young child I fell in love with nature, water, the proverbial Great Outdoors. Imagine a young boy walking along the rivers edge looking for frogs, fishing with a string tied to a stick, the thought of needing a hook never crossing his mind. Imagine if you will that same young boy looking down and across the river and seeing the Belle of Louisville paddle-wheeler coming into view, steam billowing from her stacks, the American Flag fluttering in the wind, calliope Music giving the moment a very festive feel.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Chesapeake Malfeasance CREATES EMERGENCY as 1,000's of GALLONS of Chemically Contaminated Fracking Fluids Ruin Farm Land, POISON LOCAL CREEKS! HAPPENING NOW


Get tickets to the Sullivan County Garden Tour held on July 23
Limited numbers of tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. Cost is $25 per person. The tour is sponsored by SullivanArc and Sullivan Renaissance and the proceeds go to the SullivanArc Horticulture program.
Tickets can be purchased online at Sullivan Arc Sullivan County Garden Tour or by calling 845-796-1350 x 1050.
The approximately eight beautiful private gardens will be open for visits between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on July 23. A reception for ticket holders and garden owners follows the tour.
The self-guided garden tour map [with addresses and directions to each of the gardens] will be available on the day of the event between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. at several garden center and nursery locations. Individuals may follow the route or select their own – visiting as many or as few gardens as they prefer and time allows.
Photos of previous tours are available here.
SullivanArc is a not-for-profit agency dedicated to providing support and services to over 800 individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and to their families.
Sullivan Renaissance is a beautification and community development program principally funded by the Gerry Foundation.

Don't Miss FOODSTOCK 2011-May 7- Villa Roma Resort in Callicoon, NY

Villa Roma Resort (Directions)
356 Villa Roma Road
Callicoon, NY 12723
(877) 256-7505
Tickets are only $20 with wine and $15 without. They can be reserved by calling WJFF at 845-482-4141.
Vendors List
Apple Pond Farm
Aroma Thyme Bistro
Bake You Happy
Bashakill Vineyards
Beechwood House Sauces
Brandenburger Pastry Bakery
Café Devine
Calkins Creamery
Catskill Harvest Market
Catsmo Artisan Smokehouse
Dutch Desserts
Early Bird Cookery
Eminence Road Farm Winery
Flour Power Bakery
Formaggio Italian Cheese Specialties
Hahn Brothers Farm
Halloran Farm
Hilly Acres Farm
Hotel Fauchere
Inn at Starlight Lake
Jam Thyme
Java Love Roasters
Little Miss Muffins Cakes
Main Street Café
Main Street Farm
Narrowsburg Roasters
Neversink Farm
Pampered Chef & More
Pazdar Winery
Pepacton Natural Foods
Pika's Farm Table
Rolling Hills Farm
Samba Restaurant
Sara’s Gourmet
Sherman Hill Farmstead
Silver Heights Farm
Slickepott Fudge Sauce
Snowdance Farm
Sonoma Falls Cider Mill
Summers End Orchard
Tonjes Dairy Farm
Udder Ideas Fudge
Willow Harvest Organics

Help Roscoe New York Become the ULTIMATE Fishing Town and Recieve $25,000!
Help us make the finals and WIN!!!
You can vote 4 times PER DAY for EACH of your email addresses
Press Release...please feel free to share this, pass it along to your friends, post it on your own websites, or print up copies to put in your stores and shops.
Already known as “Trout Town, USA” – Roscoe is considered the birthplace of the American Dry Fly Fishing. It was Theodore Gordon and his followers who developed a distinct Catskill Style fly still recognized and used today. For over a century, Roscoe has been a destination for those enjoying the outdoors. In about a two-hour drive from New York City, Roscoe is home to the junction of two trophy trout streams, The Willowemoc and the Beaverkill, in addition to many nearby lakes, ponds and reservoirs.
Voting is done via email by going to and following a simple procedure. Individuals may vote every six hours and may cast votes from separate email addresses.

Roscoe is presently in second place of Round One with voting totals increasing every few seconds. This round of the contest ends on May 3.
Elaine Fettig, President of the Roscoe-Rockland Chamber of Commerce, said the organization can help individuals cast regular votes, “You can give us permission to vote for Roscoe on your behalf, by using your e-mail address to cast votes four times daily. This will take the burden off you, while allowing Roscoe to receive the maximum number of votes.”
For information on how to participate with the Roscoe Chamber, contact Elaine Fettig at 845-439-4039 or
Roscoe has been a participant in the Sullivan Renaissance program since it began in 2001, and has received awards for several of its yearly projects, including two $50,000 Golden Feather Grants from New York State secured by Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther.
Sullivan Renaissance is a beautification and community development program principally funded by the Gerry Foundation. For more information, call 845-295-2445.
Here’s a chance to do something positive for our beautiful county!! Hope we can count on your vote.
Follow the link… WFN Ultimate Fishing Town

The Stupidity of Bought and Paid for Governments...New Brunswick Provincial Government Claims FRACKING Has Low Environmental Impact.
My provincial gov't claims fracking has low environmental impact and is moving against electric heat.
- Using (un)Natural Gas to heat public buildings.
- Using (un)Natural Gas to run transit vehicles.
- Building a new natural gas pipeline to connect the region with Quebec (even though only 11,000 customers out of 750,000 currently use Natural Gas).
- Regulations to prevent the installation of electric baseboard heaters in new homes.

The Weatherford Site...A Closer Look At The Fracking Monster Through A Supplier
Fracturing Chemicals

Hydrocarbon-Based Fracturing Fluids
Water-Based Fracturing Fluids
Water gelling agents viscosify fresh water and light salt brines enhancing the frac fluids proppant transport properties. These gels are easily cross-linked to greatly increase the amount of proppant they may carry. Selection of the proper gelling agent is dependent on downhole conditions and formation characteristics.
- • WGA-300: liquid anionic surfactant, or• WGA-300P: dry blended anionic surfactant plus nonionic friction reducer• WGA-305: cationic surfactant plus boosters
Fluid Loss Additives/Diverting Agents
Clay Control Additives
(1 to 2 L/m3).
Friction Reducers
Foaming Agents/Surfactants