Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Marred By Violence...Friday's "News on the Run"

It's a beautiful, almost balmy day here in Mountaindale NY, and I am recovering from all the calories consumed yesterday. Watching CNN as I have a lazy day about it, shocked to see the serious violence surrounding Black Friday, most of it occurring at Walmart stores. Two people have been shot, and over a dozen others pepper sprayed by an irate customer, while others were pepper sprayed for grabbing items off of a palette. Seriously, if a 42" flat screen TV for under $200 worth it if you have to risk your life trying to get one?

Black Friday "News on the Run"

Mass protest (riot) against Egypt Army...these new gatherings seem far more dark and foreboding than the ones we witnessed this spring.

Americans held in Egypt are now free...interview with father of one of the students on CNN...father was asked if his son has been injured, and he would not comment on it until after his son is safely out of country...look for horror stories on students treatment when they are back on America soil.

Syria defies Arab League Deadline as violence against citizens continues unabated...again, where is a NATO No Fly Zone?

Apple Black Friday deals not all that exciting...if you were looking for a seriously great deal on say an Apple IPad or IPod touch, forget about.

Almost half of all Americans are out shopping today, and thinking the number of Americans having left over might be even higher. Enjoy the day folks, and if you are traveling back home this weekend, be be safe, and don't be in a hurry.