These are heady times as we move in too what is officially the Holiday Season. The Thanksgiving tables across America will barely be cleared away, dishes done when it is time to start preparations and shopping for Christmas (and Hanukkah which begins at sunset on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, and ends at sunset on Wednesday, December 28, 2011). There are ornaments and decorations that need brought down from the attic, and Great Grandmother's china needs taken out of the hutch and washed, used only once a year on Christmas. Children are kept on good behavior, millions of parents telling them, "You better be good as Santa Claus is coming to town."
As we prepare for these magical times, let all of us remember there are a lot of families this year here in America going through rough times, families who do not have the money to buy toys for under the tree, do not have a turkey to put on their table on Thanksgiving Day. Let us remember those less fortunate, those living alone, no family too share their holidays with. If you have a neighbor in need, do what you can to lend them a helping hand. Know someone living alone, invite them to take a chair at your table for a holiday meal, or if they are shut in, take them a plate of food. Regardless of your religious persuasion, remember the golden rule, "It is more blessed to give than to receive. Enjoy your holidays everyone, and if you can go out of your way to do something for those in starts at home, and often times brings us blessing in the most unexpected ways.