Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Weather, and "News on the Run"

It is a bit overcast outside my front door here in Mountaindale, but otherwise we are in for what can only be called beautiful, unseasonably warm January weather through at least Thursday of this coming week. No snow in sight, and day time temperatures should be on average up in the low 40's, which is almost shorts weather for this citizen. Thinking some walks are in order to get the blood circulating, and to maybe snap a few pictures.

This week we lost a familiar face here in Mountaindale as Wes passed away from a recently diagnosed cancer. Going to miss walking past his place, seeing him outside puttering around his place, his cat across the street relaxing on the school house lawn.

My colonoscopy went well yesterday, though being honest, do not remember much past being rolled into the operating room...once the white stuff started flowing into my veins, I was out like a light. They found two very large precancerous polyps, so sitting on the proverbial pins and needles here waiting for official results on Wednesday or Thursday. Benign is the word I am wanting to hear when the phone call comes in...we shall see. Either way, the doctor's words when I came too are a sure fire reminder that I am getting older, even if I loath having to admit that fact.

Saturday "News on the Run"

First up...Obama for political reasons is WRONGFULLY wanting to grant a back door amnesty to some 12 million Illegal Aliens. I will be the first to admit, I have ZERO TOLERATION for those in America illegally, for those STEALING American Jobs...I know, surprising seeing as I am so liberal in most of my views. If Obama and illegal aliens want to keep families together, let the family return home with the law breakers. Time we take care of our own here in America, and time that the National Chamber of Commerce and its MEMBERS stop using illegal aliens in the job force to depreciate the American wage base...make E-Verify the law of the land, penalize all those who rent to, or hire illegal aliens. In these hard economic times, when so many Americans are out of work, our government has a responsibility to take care of our own, and Illegal Aliens ARE NOT OUR OWN...deportation of those working here illegally, and criminal prosecution of those renting to, or living here illegally (can we say enforcement of laws already on our books) will see the vast majority of illegals self deporting.

We can all breath a sigh of relief
...after her 90 day contract ends, looks like Chelsea Clinton will be ending her association with NBC. This is no surprise if you followed her debut, which was in a word, "deplorable". A typical review...

The Washington Post's Hank Stuever wrote after it aired, "Either we're spoiled by TV's unlimited population of giant personalities or this woman is one of the most boring people of her era."

The NRC should follow Japan lead, and stop relicensing of aging, dangerous nuclear reactors like Indian Point. After the meltdowns this past year, the Japanese government is moving to decommission ALL REACTORS once they reach 40 years in age.

In local news...would encourage everyone to show their support for the "Members of the Landfield Avenue Synagogue" in Monticello this Sunday, January 8th. Burglars broke into the Synagogue making off with their Torah which is valued at $35,000. The "Support Rally" begins at 3 PM.

18 Landfield Avenue
Monticello, NY 12701 USA
Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 410
Monticello, NY 12701 USA

Hope everyone has a great day, and do hope my long suffering Cincinnati Bengals win this weekend, as they barely made it into the playoffs via the backdoor. A lot of people don't realize that the team of the 80's (San Francisco) beat the Bengals in the final minutes of the Super Bowl for two of their four wins.