Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Night Check In

Greetings sports apologize for the lack of a Thursday "News on the Run" post today, and apologize in advance for tomorrow, but dealing with issues surrounding a medical procedure I have to go through tomorrow morning, so between today, and the procedure tomorrow, guessing it will be Saturday before I am feeling my usual chipper self.

The temperatures are back up today, and it is almost nice out...stepped outside just a bit ago for some fresh air after being cooped up all day. After the frigid temps of the past couple of days, it seems almost balmy out. Other than some clouds, the weather looks good through Monday.

The news media seems intent on bashing us into a stupor with their nonstop coverage of every little nuisance from the upcoming New Hampshire primary....lastest breaking news is that the Boston Globe has endorsed Huntsman in the New Hampshire about a slap in the face to Mitt Romney. My question...did they do it to help drag out the Republican Primaries, keep Mitt from being the "Chosen One" until later in the day. The any one but Mitt train continues rolling down the tracks.